Films and Documentaries
Use your due diligence when making decisions on getting content, ensure they're good to use.
We are not liable for people not finding the correct content and getting asked to have it removed or any other action.

60 Minutes Full episode
A collection of full episodes of CBS news program 60 Minutes.

Academic earth
A collection of free online courses from top universities around the world. Topics covered include art & design, business, humanities, and computer science.

Al Jazeera
A collection of shows and documentaries from the network.

American Indian Film Gallery
A collection of more than 450 films by and about Native Americans ranging from 1925-2010.

American Rhetoric
A collection of historic speeches presented in video, audio, and text.

Archeology Channel Video
A collection of over 150 films that cover a variety of archeological topics and places.

Archive of American
Interviews with actors, directors, editors, and others who are in the television industry.

BBC Online Archive
Themed collections from the BBC Archives of radio and TV programs, documents and photographs from as far back as the 1930's.

BBC Online ArchiveBusiness of Fashion
Interviews with designers, fashion films, and discussions of important fashion news.

Civil Rights Digital Library
Access to films, audio recordings, images, and texts related to the Civil Rights Movement in the United States in the 1950's and 1960's.

C- Span Video Library
An archive of all the C-SPAN programming that has aired since 1987. Programs from all three C-SPAN channels have been recorded and indexed for searching.

Digital Public Library
A collection of text, images, audio recordings, and moving images from a variety of American libraries, museums, and archives.

EVIA Digital Archive
Digital archive of ethnographic field videos.

Folk streams
A National Preserve of Documentary Films about American Roots Cultures streamed with essays about the traditions and filmmaking. The site includes transcriptions, study and teaching guides, suggested readings, and links to related websites.

Great Performances
Classical music, opera, popular song, musical theater, dance, drama, and performance documentaries.

Harvard Open Course
Videos for free courses offered through the Harvard Extension School's Open learning Initiative. These courses taught by Harvard faculty cover subjects such as art & humanities, languages, literature, and science.

A project of the Monterey Institute for Technology and Education (MITE) that provides high-quality, multimedia content on general education subjects to high school and college students. Subjects include math, natural science, social science, and humanities.

Internet Archive
This library contains over a million digital movies uploaded by Archive users which range from classic full-length films, to daily alternative news broadcasts, to cartoons and concerts. Many of these videos are available for free download.

Khan Academy
A collection of over 4000 videos that cover math, science (biology, chemistry, and physics), finance, and history. These videos are all about 10 minutes long and created to help students learn at their own pace.

Mit OpenCourseWare
A Collection of MIT course content available for free.

National Film of Canada
Documentary and animated films that explore the world from a Canadian point of view.

Open Video Project
A collection of educational and ephemeral films collected and hosted by UNC Chapel Hill.

Open Yale courses
Free access to a collection of introductory courses taught by distinguished faculty from Yale University.

PBS- American Experience
Full length episodes of the PBS series American Experience.

PBS- Art:21
Almost 1000 hours of original documentary footage chronicling contemporary art and artists. Features artists, art installations, exhibitions, and performances at galleries and museums.

PBS- Frontline
Online access to select Frontline episodes from 1983- present covering a variety of subjects including health, education, and business.

PBS-Learning Media
Instant access to tens of thousands of classroom-ready, digital resources including videos, audio, photos, and even in-depth lesson plans for grades K-13. The site requires registration but all the content is free for educators, students and families.

Full length programs from the Public Broadcasting System.

Selected programs covering topics from ancient worlds to evolution to physics and math.

A collection of full-length and short films from the POV series.

Standford Health Library
A collection of programs featuring prominent doctors presenting the most recent research on numerous health issues.

Ted Talks
A collection of short presentations and speeches presented by a wide variety of acclaimed individuals at the annual TED conference.

Thanhouser films Online
Over 50 films produced by the Thanhouser Company between 1910-1917

An independent resource dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and outsider arts.

USDA Youtube Channel
Videos produced by the USDA about a variety of topics including current events, food safety, and nutrition.

UWGHB Open Vault
Online access to unique and historically important content produced by the public television and radio station WGBH. The ever-expanding site contains video, audio, images, searchable transcripts, and resource management tools, all of which are available for individual and classroom learning.

Youtube Videos
Full length feature films and documentaries available to stream for free or pay-per-view.
This tutorial on using public domain materials, Creative Commons licensed materials, and copyright law is provided for informational purposes only! I am not a lawyer and cannot provide legal advice. None of what you read in this tutorial should be construed as legal advice. Should you require legal advice, please contact an attorney. As always, it's a good idea to check the copyright or CC status of a work before you use it.